Domestic Goddess my arse!

These are the recipes I'm good at... quick, simple, out of the store-cupboard and onto the plate fare. I never spend more than 30 minutes faffing in the kitchen. So there.

This will be my recipe & homemadey remedy diary.

If you have those 'OMG! It's lunchtime and all I've got is a parsnip and a packet of boil in the bag rice.' moments, then you're a kindred spirit and you know that bad planning is often the mother of great food. So welcome to fast slurpy soups and 'really?' salads made from what's left in the fridge.

Never, ever believe there isn't something wonderful to make from the last 3 ingredients in your kitchen. Unless those ingredients really are fairy liquid, eggshells and dead flies.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Punk Pumpkin Swoop with Garlic and Chorizo

For the last couple of weeks - me and him have been suffering with a low lying bug. THE best cure is rest and plenty, plenty garlic. So here is the perfect swoop for when you're feeling miserable and sniffley. If the snot-monster's got you in his clutches - beat him off with a huge steaming bowl of Punk Pumpkin - TAKE THAT YOU BAD MONSTER!
Shopping List

  • A gert big chunk of Butter Nut Squash - peeled and chopped
  • One leek - chopped (use it all and the green - no cheatin')
  • One red onion chopped
  • 1/2 bunch of celery chopped
  • At least one whole bulb of garlic - more if you like it! Chopped.
  • Chorizo chopped small - @75gms - more if you're feeling piggy! Also some for serving is the bomb.
  • Chilli seeds - teaspoon (or you can use fresh - as hot as you can handle)
  • Stock (I use chicken or veggy bouillon)
  • Oil - I'm using a lot of hemp and flax at the mo' but whatever you like is fine. (you can use an oil spray if you are calorie counting queens).
Do this:

  1. Dig out your best, big pan.
  2. Put a kettle of water onto boil.
  3. Chop your veggies.
  4. Either - spray some oil into the pan and over your veggies - or put a couple of tspns of oil in the pan to heat gently.
  5. Put the garlic and chilli into the pan and cook - don't brown the garlic.
  6. Follow them with the chopped leak, onion and celery & chorizo and pop the lid on - to let them sweat and jiggle together making veggie love in secret under the covers.
  7. Finally pop in the BNS and let them get warmed up before...
  8. Adding water - enough to cover the veggies & chorizo and some - about a litre. 
  9. And the stock... 
  10. Cook until the BNS is soft and the liquid has reduced somewhat. Keep an eye on it - it's not too much of a worry if it's over-reduced. Just add some almond milk to the pan before you...
  11. WHIZZERATE the bejayaus out of it.
Serve your smooth, garlicy BNS swoop with delicious seedy bread, fresh or toasted and a few more bits of chopped chorizo and some chilli oil and/or black pepper!

You can add carrots to this if you like - just chop 'em and add them with the BNS - they take longer to cook to soft - so chop the real small.

You can also add some yoghurt to serve with some toasted seeds. I like toasted BNS seeds. If you wash them, dry them and put them in a really slow oven with chilli powder and some sea salt - they rock! And they make a perfect swoop - even more cheffy!

If you've got left overs - this will freeze ok - and it always tastes even better after it's had a night to think about it!

Add almond milk, or hemp milk if it's getting a bit too thick.

You can also add some flax/pumpkin/sunflower seed grind - to whack up the happy!

Enjoy x

WW Pro points 6PP for the whole soup - let's say 2PP per serve if you add some more chorizo and use 0% Greek Yoghurt.

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